Mrs. Jennifer Sanchez
It is such a joy to serve the students, parents, and staff at Dodd Elementary as your school counselor! This year begins my 24th year in education. I was a teacher in Wylie for 12 years and over the years have taught kindergarten-5th graders. I went to the University of Texas at Dallas for my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and to Amberton University where I received my Master's Degree in School Counseling. My husband, Beto, and I have been married for 18 years, and we have two sons, Diego and Antonio. Diego is in the 10th grade, and Antonio is in the 7th grade. We also have an awesome dog named Ronaldo.
I am passionate about helping children grow socially through their elementary years and beyond. I continually partner with teachers and parents to help meet students’ needs. This may look like small groups with students, meeting with students individually, or classroom lessons. I will visit classrooms throughout the school year to teach lessons that focus on mindfulness (breathing techniques), empathy, kindness, respect, grit, and/or friendship skills. The Kids Count Players Program, through the Children's Advocacy Center of Collin County, is a resource we utilize for K-2 students to bring awareness to personal boundaries and to educate our students about child abuse prevention.
I am also the 504 coordinator for our campus and MENTOR program liaison. I am here to answer questions or discuss your concerns regarding your child’s development or well-being at school. I am looking forward to a DINO-mite year with my Dinos.
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology-cum laude
Master of Science in School Counseling
School Counseling: Early Childhood-12
Generalist: Early Childhood- 4th
Elementary Self-Contained: Grades 1-8
ESL: Grades 1-8